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Magdalene College Cambridge

Dr Peter Martin

Dr Peter Martin is Acting Director of Studies in Classics at Magdalene.

Peter works primarily on Greek history, and on Greek and Roman historiography from the fifth century BCE to the fourth century CE. He is the Mary and Moses Finley Fellow at Darwin College and the Acting Director of Studies in Classics at Magdalene College and Lucy Cavendish College.

Peter is currently finishing a book project, based on his doctoral research, on the development of Greco-Roman historiography from Herodotus and historiography’s origins in the 5th century BCE to the Late-Antique historian Ammianus Marcellinus in the 4th century CE. He is interested in how the genre of historiography changed during this 800-year time period, and why it changed. A central question of his research is: to what extent was the form of historical narratives shaped by historical events themselves? By identifying slow-moving patterns of historiographical change over time, an aim of his research is to write a ‘longue durée’ history of historiography.

Most recently, Peter was the Dan David Fellow at Tel Aviv University. Before that, he was a Visiting Lecturer in Greek History at Dartmouth College, New Hampshire.


BA, MPhil, and DPhil in Classics, University of Cambridge.

Selected Publications

'Undescribed Appearances in Classical Greek Politics', Scripta Classica Israelica 43 (2024) (forthcoming, June 2024).