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FOI: What our priorities are and how we are doing

FOI: What our priorities are and how we are doing

Strategy and performance information, plans, assessments, inspections, and reviews.

Annual report

The Annual Report of the College is published in its annual Statutory Accounts.

The Magdalene Magazine, containing a record of the year's news and events, can be found in the Publications section.

Corporate and business plans

Corporate and business plans can be found in the College's Annual Accounts.

Teaching and learning strategy

The College's admissions procedures and prospectus can be found in the Admissions section.

Academic quality and standards

The academic assessment of students at Magdalene College is conducted through Tripos and other University examinations (for undergraduates) and through the Board of Graduate Studies (for postgraduate students), administrated by the Student Registry. Further information may be found on the Student Registry website.

The procedures to be followed if a student falls below the required academic standard of the College are given in section A of the College Rules.

Statistics of undergraduate and postgraduate applications and acceptances are published on the Cambridge University website and include student population by school type, gender, subject, grades and College. This information is also published in the Cambridge University Reporter.

Alumni relations

Magdalene College greatly values the contribution made to College life by Magdalene Alumni. The College is very pleased to maintain contact with large numbers of former students.

Government and regulatory reports

The College's annual Public Benefit Report is published as part of the Annual Accounts under "Statement of Public Benefit".