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Recommending Items

Recommending Items

If there is a copy of something you need and which we don’t have, recommend it!

We encourage students to recommend new books, DVDs/CDs and board games for the Library. These can be items on your reading list, or for your research, an extra copy of an in-demand item, fiction you’d like to read or a game you’d like to play. You can submit three recommendations at a time using the form below, but there is no limit to the number of recommendations you can make. Please send us a link, or the author & title. 

If you specifically want an ebook please use the University Library's recommendation form.

We will email you to confirm we have received your recommendation(s) and it will be reserved for you upon arrival. We will aim to stock the item(s) as quickly as possible.

Recommending Items

Your Details

If you would like to make an anonymous recommendation for the welfare collection just leave the name field blank.

Requested Item Details

Item One


Item Two


Item Three

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